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How to get SPuser object from Assigned To field of task

Hi I have a sharepoint 2007 workflow and i need to get the SPuser object in order to send mails to the user but all i can get is a string from the task's assigned to field. How do i do this?

This is my code

foreach (SPWorkflow workflow in splistitem.Workflows)
     foreach (SPWorkflowTask task in workflow.Tasks)
         string user = task["Assigned To"].ToString();


  • string assignedToValue = task["Assigned To"].ToString();
    SPFieldUserValue userField = (SPFieldUserValue)workflow.Tasks.Fields["Assigned To"].GetFieldValue(assignedToValue);
    SPUser user= userField.User;

    To make it more robust, you can use SPBuiltInFieldId.AssignedTo instead of the hard-coded "Assigned To" value.