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Does anyone have c# code to use betfair api?

I am creating a c# windows app to display current sports market rates using betfair exchange webservice, I used the


method which returns a price string that looks like this:


i don't know how to properly unpack this string, for now i am using this code:

GetMarketPricesCompressedReq price_req1 = new GetMarketPricesCompressedReq();
            price_req1.header = header2;
            price_req1.marketId = marketid_temp;
            price_req1.currencyCode = "GBP";
            GetMarketPricesCompressedResp price_resp = new GetMarketPricesCompressedResp();
            price_resp = bfg2.getMarketPricesCompressed(price_req1);
            //richTextBox1.Text = "";
            //richTextBox1.Text = price_resp.marketPrices;
            string prices = price_resp.marketPrices;
            richTextBox1.Text = price_resp.marketPrices;
            string[] ab1 = prices.Split('|');
            string[] temp = ab1[1].Split('~');
            textBox3.Text = temp[0];
            textBox4.Text = temp[4];
            textBox5.Text = temp[8];
            temp = ab1[2].Split('~');
            textBox6.Text = temp[0];
            textBox7.Text = temp[4];
            textBox8.Text = temp[8];
            temp = ab1[3].Split('~');
            textBox9.Text = temp[0];
            textBox10.Text = temp[4];
            textBox11.Text = temp[8];
            temp = ab1[4].Split('~');
            textBox12.Text = temp[0];
            textBox13.Text = temp[4];
            textBox14.Text = temp[8];
            if (ab1.Length >5)
                temp = ab1[5].Split('~');
                textBox15.Text = temp[0];
                textBox16.Text = temp[4];
                textBox17.Text = temp[8];
                temp = ab1[6].Split('~');
                textBox18.Text = temp[0];
                textBox19.Text = temp[4];
                textBox20.Text = temp[8];

It works fine for a few matches, but i observed the string changes for a few other matches and it thus generates exceptions, Can any1 help me with a proper code to unpack this string, i've googled it and found a vb code, which was not very usefull,

and btw, i want to arrange the data in something like this:

enter image description here


  • Just guessing, I think the data is organised like this

    first delimited by : then | we get


    2.16~1036.19~L~1~2.14~97.18~L~2~2.12~5.0~L~3~ 2.18~467.36~B~1~2.2~34.12~B~2~2.22~162.03~B~3~

    414464~2~102181.96~1.86~~~false~~~~ 1.85~2900.33~L~1~1.84~1831.59~L~2~1.83~1593.73~L~3~ 1.86~58.83~B~1~1.87~1171.77~B~2~1.88~169.15~B~3~

    I think that first row is clearly a header, that first number being the market ID perhaps. Likewise, the first part of each subsequent section is a row identifier. Delimited by ~ something like

    (SelectionId)7337 (Order)1 (TotalMatched?)6992.56 (EvenPoint)2.16 (???)false

    I think the price rows are delimited by ~ in tuples of 4, like this

    (Price)2.16 (MatchAvailable)1036.19 (Type)L (Order)1
    (Price)2.14 (MatchAvailable)0097.18 (Type)L (Order)2
    (Price)2.12 (MatchAvailable)0005.00 (Type)L (Order)3

    for example.

    To test my guesses I'd have to compare with the BetFair rendering on thier web site.