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highslide gallery

I'm using Highslide to show my photos. I want to introduce simple gallery - if somebody click photo "dolno.jpg" it will show up gallery with 3 photos. Now is only one (1.jpg). I have 3 pictures: 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg How can I do this? This is my code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/highslide/highslide.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/highslide/highslide.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
    // override Highslide settings here
    // instead of editing the highslide.js file
    hs.graphicsDir = '/highslide/graphics/';

<a class="highslide" href="1.jpg" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { captionText: '<b>THIS</b>' } )">
<img src="/logafirm/dolno.jpg" id="imgg" title="Click to enlarge" height="80" weight="80"></a>
 <font color="#52180"><b>THIS</font></b></A>


  • Just duplicate the anchor element for every other image you want to display.

    Like this

    <a class="highslide" href="1.jpg" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { captionText:    '<b>THIS</b>' } )">
      <img src="/logafirm/dolno.jpg" id="imgg" title="Click to enlarge" height="80" weight="80">
    <a class="highslide" href="2.jpg" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { captionText: '<b>THE OTHER IMAGE</b>' } )">
      <img src="/logafirm/THE_OTHER_IMAGE.jpg" id="imgg" title="Click to enlarge" height="80" weight="80">

    ALso you will need specify your slideshow settings..

    According to the docs:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    // slideshowGroup: 'group1',
    interval: 5000,
    repeat: false,
    useControls: true,
    fixedControls: true,
    overlayOptions: {
        opacity: .6,
        position: 'top center',
        hideOnMouseOut: true
    // Optional: a crossfade transition looks good with the slideshow
    hs.transitions = ['expand', 'crossfade'];

    And lastly..If you want only display first thumbnail, simply hide the others..With CSS or maybe better with javascript (user without js will see the images)