My company name starts with a lower case "i". For example: iWare (this is not the real company name, but it demonstrates the purposes).
Because of this I find that I am constantly having to fight StyleCop and Resharper due to the namespace naming rules / conventions.
Does anyone have any ideas how should I be naming my namespaces (and sometimes classes).
namespace iWare.Product.X
As you can imagine, most of the tools shown above do not like this. Are there any suggestions as to what an alternative should be? I have tried suppressing the error using the following:
[SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.NamingRules", "SA1300:ElementMustBeginWithUpperCaseLetter", Justification = "Reviewed. Suppression is OK here.")]
namespace iWare.Product.X
But, this results in the following error: A namespace declaration cannot have modifiers or attributes
Any ideas?
it seems like you're using iWare, or your company name, as your root namespace.
On my projects, I generally specify my root namespace in/using the property window of MyProject, or MenuItem 'Project' > 'Properties' > 'Application' - 'root namespace' textbox on right.
Thus, I don't specify it in my coding at all, unless I'm referencing it from another component/project as an import.