I am trying to serialize a hash of hashes and then deserializing it to get back the original hash of hashes ..the issue is whenever i deserialize it ..it appends an autogenerated $var1 eg.
original hash
%hash=(flintstones => {
husband => "fred",
pal => "barney",
jetsons => {
husband => "george",
wife => "jane",
"his boy" => "elroy",
comes out as $VAR1 = { 'simpsons' => { 'kid' => 'bart', 'wife' => 'marge', 'husband' => 'homer' }, 'flintstones' => { 'husband' => 'fred', 'pal' => 'barney' }, };
is there any way i can get the original hash of hashes without the $var1..??
You've proved that Storable worked perfectly fine. The $VAR1
is part of Data::Dumper's serialisation.
use Storable qw( freeze thaw );
use Data::Dumper qw( Dumper );
my %hash1 = (
flintstones => {
husband => "fred",
pal => "barney",
jetsons => {
husband => "george",
wife => "jane",
"his boy" => "elroy",
my %hash2 = %{thaw(freeze(\%hash1))};
As you can see, both the original and the copy are identical:
$VAR1 = {
'jetsons' => {
'his boy' => 'elroy',
'wife' => 'jane',
'husband' => 'george'
'flintstones' => {
'husband' => 'fred',
'pal' => 'barney'
$VAR1 = {
'jetsons' => {
'his boy' => 'elroy',
'wife' => 'jane',
'husband' => 'george'
'flintstones' => {
'husband' => 'fred',
'pal' => 'barney'