I have to input the parameters from the command line i.e username, password, and database name. I know how to do that without using flags, by using sys.argv
like below:
hostname = str(sys.argv[1])
username = str(sys.argv[2])
password = str(sys.argv[3])
def ConnecttoDB():
con=sql.connect(host=hostname, user= username, passwd= password)
print ('\nConnected to Database\n')
# If we cannot connect to the database, send an error to the user and exit the program.
except sql.Error:
print ("Error %d: %s" % (sql.Error.args[0],sql.Error.args[1]))
return con
So, it could be run as:
But the problem is that I have to use 'flags'. So, the script could be run like this:
$test.py -db DATABSE -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -size 20
How can I use flags to take arguments from the command line?
First of all thanks to Mark for 'argparse' code. I have figured out the way to take arguments from command line specified by flags. I am pasting the code below which uses a modified 'Mark' code and a small module that shows how to use the arguments collected via commandline:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#-db DATABASE -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -size 20000
parser.add_argument("-host", "--hostname", dest = "hostname", default = "xyz.edu", help="Server name")
parser.add_argument("-db", "--database", dest = "db", default = "ding_dong", help="Database name")
parser.add_argument("-u", "--username",dest ="username", help="User name")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password",dest = "password", help="Password")
parser.add_argument("-size", "--binsize",dest = "binsize", help="Size", type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()
print( "Hostname {} db {} User {} Password {} size {} ".format(
def ConnectToDB():
print ('Trying to connect to mySQL server')
# Try to connect to the database
con=sql.connect(host=args.hostname, user= args.username, passwd= args.password)
print ('\nConnected to Database\n')
# If we cannot connect to the database, send an error to the user and exit the program.
except sql.Error:
print ("Error %d: %s" % (sql.Error.args[0],sql.Error.args[1]))
return con
One of my concerns was how to use variables from arguments to the code. For that two things need to be done