I want to use clipboard effect on android. I've seen some source codes about it. But all of them are simply flipping over some static pictures(Bitmap).I want to flip a view, and the view changes dynamically. How can I flip over this sort of view? I've tried to take a snapshot of the view, then use the snapshot to flip. But it seems that I can only snapshot a view after it presents on screen. How can I get the Bitmap of a view without present the view on screen?
One way is to draw your view hierarchy onto a bitmap and then use that for the animation. This blog post contains a few simple instructions. Basically it boils down to:
Bitmap returnedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(screenWidth, screenHeight,Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(auxBitmap);
Where myview is the view hierarchy you wish to draw (either created in code or an inflated layout) and returnedBitmap is your bitmap with the view on it.