I am writing an interactive book and would like events to be fired by using the CSS target Pseudo-selector. However I would like to allow the link to be clicked multiple times. At the moment if I have two links, one to Parrot and one to Leopard, I can alternate the action, clicking on one link, then another to fire the events. What I need is to be able to click on Parrot twice, three times etc. in a row.
This is the HTML markup
<span id="line1"><a href="#parrot">Litte Parrot</a></span>
<span id="line2"><a href="#leopard">Leopard</a></span>
This is the CSS
.parrot:target { -webkit-animation: do_something 1s;}
.leopard:target { -webkit-animation: do_something_else 1s;}
Thnk you
Have been messing around with replacing divs, so the target object changes as well as the link to fire it. Seems like a very messy solution although it does work. The link and target in this instance are the same object (an image of a parrot). Can anyone suggest a better solution?
HTML Markup
<!-- touch activated animation -->
<a href="#parrot2"><div id="parrot1" class="parrot" onclick="replace1()">
<div class="left_eye"></div>
<div class="right_eye"></div>
<!-- /touch activated animation -->
<!-- touch activated animation -->
<a href="#parrot1"><div id="parrot2" class="parrot" style="display: none" onclick="replace2()">
<div class="left_eye"></div>
<div class="right_eye"></div>
<!-- /touch activated animation -->
.parrot:target { -webkit-animation: do_something 1s;}
function replace1() {
function replace2() {
It looks like you are just toggling between two different parrots, if that is the case I have an Example. If you want it to be more then 2 parrots see Example 2.
Example 1 here: http://jsfiddle.net/yW6T3/1/
Example 1 Explanation (with comments):
$(document).ready(function() {//when the document is loaded/ready
$("#parrotlink").click(function() {//on parrotlink click
$("#parrot1").toggle();//toggle parrot1 on if off, off if on
$("#parrot2").toggle();//toggle parrot2 on if off, off if on
Example 2 here: http://jsfiddle.net/yW6T3/2/
Example 2 Explanation (with comments):
$(document).ready(function() {//when the document is loaded/ready
$("#parrotlink").click(function() {//On parrotlink clicked do function
if($(".parrot.active").next(".parrot").length==0)//if there is nothing for a next element/parrot
$(".parrot.active").removeClass("active");//remove active class from active
$(".parrot:first-child").addClass("active");//make first parrot active
else//if there is a next element/parrot in line
$(".parrot.active").removeClass("active").next(".parrot").addClass("active");//remove active class from active and make next parrot active