I am developing a game in Javascript/HTML/CSS and packaging it into an Android app with Phonegap. The game includes a bunch of animations (many done with jquery) such as fadeins/fadeouts, div movements, etc. - nothing out of the ordinary but certainly heavy relative to most websites out there.
In ICS, the game runs extremely well - very high fps, no lag, etc. However, now that I upgraded my Galaxy Nexus to 4.1, Jelly Bean has resulted in the game slowing down to a crawl. Fade ins are now more akin to show, I constantly notice slow responsiveness to touch, the projectiles being shot keep occasionally freezing, etc.
I realize this is quite general, but I am just curious if anyone else is seeing / has seen something similar in their applications and if you have suggestions for how to fix this mess. Any tips are much appreciated.
UPDATE: after enabling 3D transforms and rewriting part of the code to include everything in Animation Frame the issue seems to be fixed.
after enabling 3D transforms and rewriting part of the code to include everything in Animation Frame the issue seems to be fixed.