My understanding of a CDN (like Akamai or Limelight) is that they are heavy-duty caching services.
I also understand that they are very expensive. So I'm wondering why I can't just create my own cluster of replicated caching servers (using, say, EhCache or Memcached) for all my web app's caching needs (images, URL hits/responses, Javascripts, etc) and basically get the same thing?
In essence, from a developer's perspective, what are the benefits (technical or otherwise) of paying a CDN vs. just using your own caching solution? Or, if I have completely misunderstood what CDNs are, please correct my understanding! Thanks in advance!
The key to this is the N in CDN, Content Delivery Network
The advantage of a CDN (a good one, at least) is that it's geographically distributed. What the big CDN providers do (the ones you mentioned along with others) is have hundreds or thousands of servers in facilities all over the world. This lets what ever resource the CDN is serving sit as geographically close as possible to the end user no matter where they are in the world.
You can certainly replicate the functionality. At a very basic level most CDN's are simply an object/value store which plenty of software can do - what you can't do, at the scale these guys do it at any rate, is have servers all over the world to serve and replicate these objects.
If all you're interested in is an efficient way to store and serve static files then an object store coupled with something like nginx would do just fine. A CDN is used to make sites load as fast as they possibly can, but they come at a price.
For the record, Amazon's Cloud Front, while not as distributed as Limelight or Akamai is a lot cheaper and a good middle ground compromise on cost vs service.