Right now if I try to eager load more than two objects deep in phpactiverecord, I get an error.
Is something such as this:
$conditions['include'] = array( 'playlists' => array('playlist_songs' =>array('song')));
User::find('first', $conditions);
Just one level too much to try to retrieve?
I'm getting an error Undefined offset: 0
whenever I try to use an association 3 levels deep.
Thanks for any help or insight :D.
So I've found a pattern that's a little odd.
If I have array('playlist_songs'=>array('song'=>array('album')));
, the eager load will break for me. But if I add another association to the array, it then works correctly.
I used 'song' multiple times in that array just to make the fix very apparent.
Just fixed this for myself by changing line 247 of Table.php in execute_eager_load from
if (is_array($name))
$nested_includes = count($name) > 1 ? $name : $name[0];//<-- this line
$name = $index;
if (is_array($name))
$nested_includes = count($name) > 0 ? $name : $name[0];
$name = $index;