I have a Proc object which I add to a Hash with other Procs:
ten_percent_discount_over_sixty = Proc.new {
cart.each { |item| cart_total += item.price }
if cart_total >= 60.00
cart_total =- cart_total * 0.1
As you can see there is a cart
array which contains items
. I can't however get my cart
instance variable into the scope of this proc. So later when I iterate through all of these rules
in another method, I get undefined variable
The point of doing this is that I have various promotional rules (functions) that need to be run on this cart object. It's possible there's a better way to store rules
that can be applied iteratively to a objects instance variable.
I have checkout
object which contains a cart (an array) of item
objects; items
have the attributes: code
, price
and name
Next I have a Promotion
object which holds a hash of promotional rules
. This hash contains Proc
objects that hold these rules (which are functions that each run on the cart object changing the final price of the cart). Rules maybe added and removed by calling a method and with the name as an argument.
The problem I am having is when I iterate through the hash of promotional rules
. I don't know how to get the cart
object into the scope of those Proc
objects in order to run the functions contained in those Proc
objects, changing the cart
object and set/get it?checkout
object?The full code is quite long so I'll post a gist
Your rule procs must accept cart as an argument, act on it, and return modified cart.
cart = {total: 100}
rules = {ten_percent_discount: lambda{|c| c[:total] *= 0.9; c },
five_percent_discount: lambda{|c| c[:total] *= 0.95; c}}
rules.each do |name, rule|
cart = rule.call cart.dup
cart # => {:total=>85.5}