I am using this code to handle any uncaught exceptions which might cause my application to crash.
public class ExceptionHandler implements java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
private final Context myContext;
public ExceptionHandler(Context context) {
myContext = context;
public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable exception) {
"The application has crashed, and a report is sent to the admin",
StringWriter stackTrace = new StringWriter();
exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stackTrace));
System.err.println(stackTrace);// You can use LogCat too
Intent intent = new Intent(myContext, CrashActivity.class);
When i run it with a known but uncaught exception(just to test), activity "CrashActivity" is called but the Toast which must come before it is not showing up.
Actually i wanted to show only Toast and then call myContext.finish(); instead of going to the CrashActivity. But that toast in not visible.
Where am i wrong?
You are probably calling the Toast from a thread while a toast should be called from the UI thread...
If this isn't helping, please provide us the logcat output so we can see what kind of error you are getting.