I'm writing a redmine plugin where model is Allissue
. I added two attributes project_name
and create_date
. First, I added column project_name
and assigned them some values. Second, I added one more column created_date
for which values become null as shown in figure.
I want to replace null with integer values. It is very basic question but I don't know as I'm a newbie. Can you suggest me the syntax to add values. Thanks
For this to happen automatically, add something like this to your model:
class Allissue
before_save do |a|
a.create_date = Time.now # or whatever you want it to be
or manually, you would do (for all multiple objects):
Allissue.all.each{|a| a.create_date = Time.now; a.save}
or (for a single object):
a = Allissue.find(1)
a.create_date = Time.now
I hope this helps.