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JarJar with Ant - how to use a Rule file

I would like to know how to run JarJar with Ant, passing the rules in with an external Rules file.

1) I know I can pass the rules in one by one as below:

    <jarjar destfile="B.jar" >
        <zipfileset src="A.jar" />

        <rule pattern="com.a.**" result="test.b.@1" />

2) I know I can pass the rules in a file if I run it from the command line:

    java -jar jarjar.jar process <rulesFile> <inJar> <outJar>

3) I can use the above command line in an Ant <exec> task. (best workaround)

4) I found some reference to using a <rulesFile> tag in Maven.

The above options are not ideal for what I would like to do.

I want to run JarJar from an Ant task, passing in a rules file.


  • I have been unable to get any information about this, from any forum, or by mailing the developers of JarJar, so I have decided to answer this question with a workaround that I am using:

    As an example, the below build.xml file includes the contents of another test.txt file inline. I import the text file using the tag include_this (this is my name - you can use any name here):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE project [
        <!ENTITY include_this SYSTEM "test.txt">
    <project name="Test" default="build" >
        <target name="build" >

    In this simple example, the contents of the test.txt file is:

    <echo>This is a test.</echo>

    So I've been using this workaround to replace the rules in the jarjar call. Putting the rules in the test.txt file:

    <rule pattern="com.**" result="${project.output}.com.@1" />
    <rule pattern="org.**" result="${project.output}.org.@1" />

    My jarjar call then becomes:

    <!-- jarjar uses the same syntax as the jar task -->
    <jarjar destfile="${jarjar.output.dir}/${project.output}.jar" >
        <!-- source files -->
        <zipfileset src="${jar.output.dir}/${project.output}.jar" />
        <!-- refactoring rules -->