how to get the speed property of 'smokeobject' inside a enter_frame listener 'animatesmoke' in reference to the movieclip 'whitesmoke' which is also a property of 'smokeobject
here is my code
public function createRocketSmoke()
var smokeObject:Object = new Object();
smokeObject.whiteSmoke = new Bitmap(new WhiteSmoke(0,0));
smokeObject.whiteSmoke.x=targetX + Math.random()*4-8;
smokeObject.whiteSmoke.y=targetY + Math.random()*4-8;
smokeContainer=new MovieClip();
var randomScale = Math.random();
randomScale = randomScale+.5;
smokeObject.whiteSmoke.scaleX= randomScale;
smokeObject.whiteSmoke.scaleY= randomScale;
smokeObject.speed = Math.random();
smokeObject.whiteSmoke.rotation = Math.random()*360;
public function animateSmoke(event:Event):void
//here i want the speed property of the 'smokeObject'
What you're trying to do is going to get extremely messy very quickly.
I suggest creating a class for your Smoke and giving it an update()
public class Smoke
// Properties.
private var _whiteSmoke:Bitmap;
private var _speed:Number = 0;
// Constructor.
public function Smoke(targetX:Number = 0, targetY:Number = 0)
// Prepare graphics.
_whiteSmoke = new Bitmap(new WhiteSmoke());
_whiteSmoke.x = targetX + Math.random()*4-8;
_whiteSmoke. y = targetY + Math.random()*4-8;
_whiteSmoke.rotation = Math.random()*360;
_whiteSmoke.scaleX = whiteSmoke.scaleY = 0.5 Math.random() * 0.5;
// Apply random speed.
_speed = Math.random();
// Update this smoke.
public function update():void
// Update this smoke here.
// The graphics for this smoke.
public function get whiteSmoke():Bitmap
return _whiteSmoke;
// The speed for this smoke.
public function get speed():Number
return _speed;
This will allow you to more easily update your smoke objects with an array and a loop to update each of them:
// This array will hold all your Smoke objects.
var allSmoke:Array = [];
// Create some Smoke.
var smoke1:Smoke = new Smoke(10, 10);
var smoke2:Smoke = new Smoke(10, 10);
// Add it to the array.
// Prepare game loop.
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
function update(e:Event):void
// Loop through smoke objects and update them.
for each(var i:Smoke in allSmoke)