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Fetch table of contents from html page in iPhone

I am new to iPhone developer,

I made epub reader for my application, in which i want to fetch all the value of <text> tag from my local .html page and i want to store it in my array.

For eg: This is my toc.html file, from this file i want to fetch all the value of <text> tag,

    <navPoint class="chapter" id="navpoint-1" playOrder="1">
      <content src="Morning Insight 26 April - K S 2/Morning Insight 26 April - K S 2/Morning Insight 26 April - K S/Morning Insight 26 April - K S/Morning Insight/OEBPS/first.html"/>

     <navPoint class="chapter" id="navpoint-2" playOrder="2">
      <content src="Morning Insight 26 April - K S 2/Morning Insight 26 April - K S 2/Morning Insight 26 April - K S/Morning Insight 26 April - K S/Morning Insight/OEBPS/1.html"/>

    <navPoint class="chapter" id="navpoint-3" playOrder="3">
      <content src="Morning Insight 26 April - K S 2/Morning Insight 26 April - K S 2/Morning Insight 26 April - K S/Morning Insight 26 April - K S/Morning Insight/OEBPS/2.html"/>

    <navPoint class="chapter" id="navpoint-4" playOrder="4">
          <text>Economy Update</text>
      <content src="Morning Insight 26 April - K S 2/Morning Insight 26 April - K S 2/Morning Insight 26 April - K S/Morning Insight 26 April - K S/Morning Insight/OEBPS/3.html"/>


finally my array should have:

array at 0: Cover
array at 1: News
array at 2: Report
array at 3: Economy Update


- (NSString *)dataFilePath:(BOOL)forSave {
    NSLog(@"Path of my file=%@",TOC);
    return TOC;


    [super viewDidLoad];
    TOCArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];

    NSString *filePath = [self dataFilePath:FALSE];
    NSData *response = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
    GDataXMLDocument *doc = [[GDataXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:response options:0 error:nil];

    NSArray *navPoints = [[[doc.rootElement elementsForName:@"navMap"] lastObject] elementsForName:@"navPoint"];

    for (GDataXMLElement *m in navPoints)
        NSArray *navLabel = [m elementsForName:@"navLabel"];
        for (GDataXMLElement *e in navLabel)
            NSArray *text = [e elementsForName:@"text"];
            [TOCArray addObject:[text objectAtIndex:0]];

    for (int i=0; i<[TOCArray count]; i++) {
        NSLog(@"Toc array=%@",[TOCArray objectAtIndex:i]);


My log Shows: Path of my file=/Users/krunal/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/D414BC19-C005-4D93-896D-A6FB71DE4D21/Documents/UnzippedEpub/toc.ncx

but my array is still null.

here is my toc.ncx file


2012-07-23 16:07:50.522  iBook [2105:fe03] Toc array=GDataXMLElement 0x6a96480: {type:1 name:text xml:"<text>Cover</text>"}
2012-07-23 16:07:50.522  iBook [2105:fe03] Toc array=GDataXMLElement 0x6a96610: {type:1 name:text xml:"<text>News</text>"}
2012-07-23 16:07:50.523  iBook [2105:fe03] Toc array=GDataXMLElement 0x6a96730: {type:1 name:text xml:"<text>Report</text>"}
2012-07-23 16:07:50.523  iBook [2105:fe03] Toc array=GDataXMLElement 0x6a96850: {type:1 name:text xml:"<text>Economy Update</text>"}
2012-07-23 16:07:50.524  iBook [2105:fe03] Toc array=GDataXMLElement 0x6a96970: {type:1 name:text xml:"<text>Other Factors</text>"}
2012-07-23 16:07:50.524  iBook [2105:fe03] Toc array=GDataXMLElement 0x6a96aa0: {type:1 name:text xml:"<text>Result Update</text>"}
2012-07-23 16:07:50.525  iBook [2105:fe03] Toc array=GDataXMLElement 0x6a96bc0: {type:1 name:text xml:"<text>Result Update (Continued)</text>"}
2012-07-23 16:07:50.526  iBook [2105:fe03] Toc array=GDataXMLElement 0x6a96ce0: {type:1 name:text xml:"<text>Trends in NIM</text>"}
2012-07-23 16:07:50.526  iBook [2105:fe03] Toc array=GDataXMLElement 0x6a96e00: {type:1 name:text xml:"<text>Key Stats</text>"}
2012-07-23 16:07:50.527  iBook [2105:fe03] Toc array=GDataXMLElement 0x6a96f40: {type:1 name:text xml:"<text>Result Update</text>"}
2012-07-23 16:07:50.527  iBook [2105:fe03] Toc array=GDataXMLElement 0x6a97060: {type:1 name:text xml:"<text>Disclaimer</text>"}


  • I did some xml parsing for an app using GData & TouchXML..

    Create an array to hold values.

    Assuming your call to service returns NSData stored in response. Create a GDataXMLDocument object from it.

    - (NSArray*)textArrayFromNCX
        NSMutableArray *values = [NSMutableArray array];
        // get the toc.ncx from documents folder
        NSString *docPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject];
        docPath = [docPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"UnzippedEpub"];
        NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"toc" ofType:@"ncx" inDirectory:docPath];
        // init the xml document
        NSData *response = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
        GDataXMLDocument *doc = [[GDataXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:response options:0 error:nil];
        // loop through the elements
        NSArray *navPoints = [[[doc.rootElement elementsForName:@"navMap"] lastObject] elementsForName:@"navPoint"];
        for (GDataXMLElement *m in navPoints)
            NSArray *navLabel = [m elementsForName:@"navLabel"];
            for (GDataXMLElement *e in navLabel)
                NSArray *text = [e elementsForName:@"text"];
                [values addObject:[[text lastObject] stringValue]];
        return values;

    the GData Library returns array even if there is only one tag/element in actual xml. Inner loop only runs once per outer loop's iteration.

    To learn how to integrate the library visit