We are considering developing an application for the HTC EVO 3D that will be used in a laboratory setting, and we need to know if it is possible to control both cameras on the hardware.
Does the SDK provide easy access (or any access) to both of the stereo cameras on the HTC EVO? If so, what code would be required to manipulate them?
As far as I know the cameras do not have individual access. It is indicated in the developer portal (http://htcdev.com/devcenter/opensense-sdk/stereoscopic-3d) of HTC as follows:
Camera selection:
- Camera 0 = Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK (as of Android 2.3)
- Camera 1 = Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT (as of Android 2.3)
- Camera 2 = undefined in Android platform, HTC specific value for stereoscopic camera mode (both rear facing cameras)
so the equivalent to the hardware 3D-2D switch for the camera mode would be to switch between camera selections 0 (also the default) and 2:
So, I'm afraid the cameras could not be accessed one by one.