I'm trying to create a zebra-striped series of divs with the following code:
= content_tag_for(:div, conversation.receipts_for(current_user), :class => cycle("odd", "even")) do |receipt|
In theory, the class names should cycle between "receipt odd" and "receipt even" for each row. Instead, I get "receipt odd" every single time. I've tried using unordered lists and tables as well, but they don't work properly either. Any idea what's going on?
This can't work, the way you've written it. cycle
is called once at the time you call content_tag_for
, and it returns "odd"
. It is that value, "odd"
, that is passed into content_tag_for
, not the function cycle
. Unless content_tag_for
accepts a block/lambda for its style
argument, you cannot do what you are trying to do.
In essence, you're calling a function and passing in the return value of a second function:
func1( func2() )
The best way to handle this is via collection rendering.
In your view:
= render conversation.receipts_for(current_user)
In a separate partial, probably app/views/receipts/_receipt.html.haml
= div_for receipt, :class => cycle('odd', 'even')