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What are the limitations of Python on Android?

I am getting ready to start a little Android development and need to choose a language. I know Python but would have to learn Java. I'd like to know from those of you who are using Python on Android what the limitations are. Also, are there any benefits over Java?


  • I investigated this recently for similar reasons. My conclusions were that I could not use Python to develop a native-looking application, which is what I wanted at the time. Specifically:

    • Python can't receive callbacks from the Java UI classes, so you can't use any native Java UI elements such as ListView, etc. Only dialog boxes etc. are easily available. If you have a totally custom UI such as a game, you can try PyGame for Android, or you could look at Kivy, which also uses PyGame.

    • Packaging of Python applications is very difficult, especially because the Python interpreter is not included on Android by default. The Kivy and PyGame teams are making some intermittent progress on this.

    • Because of the aforementioned issues, Python is essentially never used to make full fledged applications published in the app store, and so the literature on how to handle the many sundry issues with SL4A (Scripting Layer For Android) is very thin.

    So, if you want to make an application that uses native UI elements, that you can actually distribute in the Play Store, or both, Python is regrettably not an option.