I'm streaming a png image from my iPhone to my MacBook over tcp. The MacBook code is from http://docs.python.org/library/socketserver.html#requesthandler-objects. How can the image be converted for use with OpenCV? A png was selected because they are efficient, but other formats could be used.
I wrote a test program that reads the rawImage from a file, but not sure how to convert it:
# Read rawImage from a file, but in reality will have it from TCPServer
f = open('frame.png', "rb")
rawImage = f.read()
# Not sure how to convert rawImage
npImage = np.array(rawImage)
matImage = cv2.imdecode(rawImage, 1)
#show it
cv.MoveWindow('display', 10, 10)
cv.ShowImage('display', matImage)
cv. WaitKey(0)
I figured it out:
# Read rawImage from a file, but in reality will have it from TCPServer
f = open('frame.png', "rb")
rawImage = f.read()
# Convert rawImage to Mat
pilImage = Image.open(StringIO(rawImage));
npImage = np.array(pilImage)
matImage = cv.fromarray(npImage)
#show it
cv.MoveWindow('display', 10, 10)
cv.ShowImage('display', matImage)
cv. WaitKey(0)