When setting up a teamroom, The 8.5.3 from the extlib from openntf, one of the config items is for the URL.
So when sending reminders and so on from the teamroom it will have a notes doclink and a weblink.
In our test/dev environment it worked like a charm. The users where baffled when they worked with the webclient. (xpages)
After upgrading one of our teamrooms in the prod env. We got calls that the links in the emails did not work.
The generated links where http instead of https. I mean the links in the emails created for reviewers or reminders a item is overdue.
How come?
In our internal domino production environment we only use https. But in our test/development env we can only use http at the moment.
Opening the template in the designer and looking at the agents i discovered:
for server
wMail = " http://" + serverName +"/"+ dbpath +"/topicThread.xsp?action=openDocument&documentId="+doc.universalid
for local:
wMail = " http://"+ getWebAddress +"/"+ dbpath+"/$All/"+doc.universalid
So http protocol is hardcoded.
Code strings are found in these agents.
A quick fix was to replace http for https.
A better solution is to add a checkbox to the teamroomsetup form, advanced options tab. And change the code in the agents to get the value depending on value generate a http or https url.
I did not have the time for this yet. But it is not so difficult to do.
To consider: Whatever you do change it in the template not in the teamroom nsf. Would be a shame to find out the next day that you're changes where overwritten with the templates default.
Hope it saves time