PyGObject appears to have no real documentation. This tutorial is as close as it gets. I've been struggling all morning simply trying to find a description of the arguments accepted by the Gtk.Window
constructor. It seems I can't do much reflection in Python because everything in PyGObject is dynamically generated.
All I want is to know what arguments I can pass to this constructor! There doesn't appear to be an equivalent of this object in the GTK+ 3 documentation, and reading the source code to figure out the bindings has proven to be an extremely daunting task. Any ideas??
I agree that this is a huge shortcoming of the PyGObject in it's current state. For those of us who have been using GTK+ for a while it's no problem, but, for new users it can be confusing.
Folks are working on a system to automatically generate the docs for languages other than C which is known as GObject Introspection Doctools. Since that's not quite ready yet, your best bet to use the C API documentation and learn how it translates to Python. It's not as hard as it sounds.
Remember, the Python calls are dynamically wrapped to the underlying C library. All you need to do is learn how a few things are typically translated to Python and understand how GTK+ "properties" work. It's basically a naming convention in C and the patterns are easy to learn. The PyGObject/Introspection Porting page is a good start.
A constructor in Python is generally wrapped to the *_new()
function in C. PyGObject also allows you to pass in any GTK+ property belonging to that widget as keyword arguments in the constructor. Thus, you have a lot of options when constructing widgets in Python.
You had mentioned the GtkWindow
. If you look at the GtkWindow Documentation, the gtk_window_new()
function takes a window type as an argument in C. This would be a positional argument to the constructor in Python. PyGObject "overrides" the constructor so that the type
is optional and defaults to a top-level window. There are a bunch of GtkWindow properties that could also be passed to the constructor as keyword arguments.
Here are 3 examples of constructing a Gtk.Window
in Python which are functionally equivelent:
# this is very close to how it's done in C using get_*/set_* accessors.
window = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL)
# setting properties as keyword arguments to the constructor
window = Gtk.Window(type=Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL, title="Hello")
# set_properties() can be used to set properties after construction
window = Gtk.Window()
The Python interactive console can be a great way to experiment with widgets and properties.