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ASP.NET - HTML page looks different when started by Visual Studio then started outside of it

I am not the best with ASP.NET, but I am using it for an authentication back-end and RESTful Web API (as I know enough C# to be dangerous).

I have a website built strictly in HTML, CSS, and JS. It looks fantastic outside when started directly with any popular browser (chrome, IE, firefox). I want to use some of the functionality of ASP.NET within the this website, and have it be the front-end to my web application. I simply dragged and dropped the HTML, CSS, and JS folders (including all images, etc.) into my ASP.NET project, and when I preview in browser from visual studio, the entire HTML layout is garbled and everything just doesn't look the same.

I added permissions for unauthourized users to access the pages, css folders, and the js folder in Web.config.

Any idea on why this would happen? Does ASP.NET render HTML/CSS differently during build than just viewing it directly through the browser?

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  • Most likely your references are not the same in your VS project as they are on the server. Check that the relative path on your HTML to the CSS file is correct. Next check for the image paths to still work inside your CSS (if any). You'll need to fix those based on your new location.

    Try accessing the CSS, js, and images by direct URLs. Verify that the HTML uses the same paths.

    Of course use Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools to debug the paths.