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php yii framework populate CActiveform dropdownlist data by model directly?

i am newbee in yii and i am learning at this moment ...

I am using in model this query to get assosiative array for my listbox

public function getAllCategories()

    $cats = $this->model()->findAll(array('select'=>'id,name'));
    $mainarr = array();

    foreach($cats as $obj)

    return $mainarr;

and on my form i am calling this function in my dropdownlist as this

<?php echo $form->dropDownList($model,'name',$model->getAllCategories());  ?>

I have so many drop down with many different queries and i dont find any faster way to do that and everytime i have to create above array to make it fulfill. Kindly advise me better and faster solution to populate if there is any using CActiveForm?


  • Faster way, i'm not sure there is any other.

    But you could reduce your code, using CHtml::listData(); function. Atleast you'll reduce having to define a function in the model class:

        echo $form->dropDownList($model,
          CHtml::listData(Modelname::model()->findAll(),'id','name')// $model->getAllCategories()

    listData(); will get you that associative array with array('id'=>'name') format.


    To follow good mvc practices, you could use listData in the controller action, which displays this form, instead of the form view directly:

    public function actionFormDisplayer(){
      // other code
      $list_for_name_dropdown = CHtml::listData(Modelname::model()->findAll(),'id','name');
      // other code
      // then in render pass this value also
         array('dropdownoptions'=>$list_for_name_dropdown, // other data to pass

    Then in your view you can use $dropdownoptions.