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ios Xtify push api 415 status code when trying to send a payload to instant push

I'm trying to send an payload to Xtify 2.0 push api.

I tried from both my iOS app using this code :

- (void)sendPushToXids:(NSMutableArray *)xids {
        ASIFormDataRequest *req = [[ASIFormDataRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:xtifyPushUrl]];
        req.requestMethod = @"POST";

        [req setPostValue:xAppKey forKey:@"appKey"];
        [req setPostValue:xApiKey forKey:@"apiKey"];
        [req setPostValue:xids forKey:@"xids"];

        NSMutableDictionary *contentDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
        [contentDict setObject:@"This is a message" forKey:@"message"];
        [contentDict setObject:@"default.caf" forKey:@"sound"];

        [req setPostValue:contentDict forKey:@"content"];

        req.delegate = self;
        [req startAsynchronous];

where xids is a NSMutableArray with one item.

Also i tried using this code using Firefox plugin REST Client: Header:

Content-type: application/json


    "apiKey": "myapikey",
    "appKey": "myappkey",
    "xids": ["500865a987242167c69b4e6c"], 
    "content": {
        "subject": "Greetings Earthlings",
        "message": "Take me to your leader"

(where my "myapikey" and "myappkey" are replaced with my app keys)

with method POST and url ""

In both cases Xtify responds with :

HTTP Status 415 - Unsupported Media Type

type Status report

message Unsupported Media Type

description The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method (Unsupported Media Type).

What am I doing wrong?


  • That message means your API key is not correct or expired. Make sure to create an advanced key in the Xtify console.