I have a Datagrid I want to provide some data validation, but I need to avoid the locking mechanism that usually occurs when a cell is in an invalid state. Is there a way to bind to the IDataErrorInfo errors on a model without using the grid-locking ValidatesOnDataErrors?
To put it specifically, I want to display the tooltip and the adorner for the error without locking the grid.
Turns out this can be achieved by using the validation only on the CellTemplate of a DataGridTemplateColumn.
Such as:
<DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Destination Column">
<ComboBox IsEditable="True"
IsTextSearchCaseSensitive="{Binding ElementName=caseSensitiveSearch, Path=IsChecked}"
ItemsSource="{Binding AllSuggestedNames}"
Text="{Binding ColumnMapping.DestinationColumnName, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
<TextBlock Style="{StaticResource TextBlockValidationStyle}"
Text="{Binding ColumnMapping.DestinationColumnName,
Validation.ErrorTemplate="{StaticResource validationTemplate}"/>