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SVN read-only repository

I work with Subversion and TortoiseSVN GUI. I need to block a repository (making it read-only) so that when I release a version no one can modify that repository. I create a new folder for every version I release.


  • The better way, IMHO, to do that is to :

    1. allow one person (or group, according to linux permission) to write in /tags path,
    2. deny to other account (or group) to write there, but give them read permission
    3. allow writing for everyone in /trunk and /branches.

    Then, modify either script (see Subversion Repositories: Governing Commit Permissons, or modify access via Apache (here some examples : How to configure SVN web access for different write permissions?).

    If you really want to tweak it easy, install a SVN Admin tool : SVN admin management GUI tool

    In both cases, you won't be able to set tag in read only mode ... Indeed, you might success writing a perl script, a post-commit HOOK, which will lock the tag, but I'm pretty sure that's a bad idea.