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WebSphere 6.1: can not start admin console after SSL-cert installation

I installed a self-signed certificate and restartet. Now i can't start the admin console any more. I am really new to websphere, and must have some errors when installing the certificate.

When I connect to https://localhost:9043/ibm/console I get the following error in firefox: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap

and the following exception in the console: [21.07.09 09:58:25:583 CEST] 00000020 SSLHandshakeE E SSLC0008E: Die SSL-Verbindung kann nicht initialisiert werden. Es wurde ein unbefugter Zugriff verweigert, oder die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind verfallen. Die Ausnahme ist Client requested protocol SSLv3 not enabled or not supported.

Is there a way to get into the admin console to fix this? Withour reconfiguring the whole server? Im running RationalApplicationDeveloper 7.0 and WebSphere 6.1.


Update: Screenshot added:

IE6 says: "Fehler: Server oder DNS kann nicht gefunden werden" ~= "DNS not found"

alt text


  • (from memory)..

    locate security.xml for your 'profile' (in the /runtimes/base_v6/profiles/AppServer/config/cells//security.xml) and locate the root tag "security:Security" and set the attribute "enabled" to "false".

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <security:Security xmi:version="2.0" (.....)  enabled="false" (....)>