In my iphone app i have a search screen with UISearchDisplaycontroller
uisng this against each scopeBar key words we can filter the search result, But using only this scopeBar buttons i couldnt reach my requirement.
See, I have a list of members, I need to search members based on state, country, city, name. and i should display these search types in a bar (say scopBar).
After selecting a scopeBar button(say Country)if we type 'India' in the search bar it should display all the members of that country. How can i achieve these kind of search ? I have tried many search tutorials, But those didnt help me. Please help me out.
Thanks in Advanced!
As per Apple's Sample code, we can use 2 arrays during search, 1 actual, and 2nd is filtered array as in example reference :
But in your case, we are requiring 3 arrays, third array will be local array (let's call scopedFilteredArray) during filteration.
Search all objects by scope bar : Using Predicate (contained by scopedFilteredArray, from actual array).
Search filtered objects from scopedFilteredArray and save them in filteredArray for display.