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How do I specify a minimum perl version for my distribution in Dist::Zilla dist.ini?

I'm working on my Net::Prober distribution, using dzil. From the next version I'd like to enforce a minimum requirement of perl 5.10+ (was 5.006), because I'm using named captures :-)

Now I have put use 5.010; at the top of my main module, and that's fine, but I was wondering: is there a way to specify a minimum perl interpreter version in the dist.ini file?

My current dist.ini is:

name    = Net-Prober
version = 0.07

Carp = 0
Data::Dumper = 0
Digest::MD5 = 0
IO::Socket::INET = 0
IO::Socket::SSL = 0
IO::Socket::UNIX = 0
LWPx::ParanoidAgent = 0
Net::Ping = 2.34
Sys::Syslog = 0

[Prereqs / TestRequires]
Test::More = 0
LWP::Online = 0


Can I just add perl = 5.010 to the [Prereq] block?


  • Can I just add perl = 5.010 to the [Prereq] block?

    Yes, you can. Alternatively, there's the MinimumPerl plugin that autodetects the minimal version of perl that's required.