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What is the difference between "Import-Bundle" and "Require-Bundle"?

What is the difference between spring source dm server specific Import-Bundle and OSGi's Require-Bundle?
I am confused whether to use Import-Bundle or Require-Bundle in my project.


  • Import-Bundle is similar to Require-Bundle, it creates a complete dependency on the other bundle, including that bundle's dependencies. This transitivity is bad because you have no idea what you depend, creating the infamous "big ball of mud" problem we're so familiar with in Object oriented programming.

    In OO, we've found a solution to this entanglement by using interfaces, they separate implementation from specification. OSGi is built around a similar albeit of an higher order concept of service contracts. These contracts (interfaces, permissions, helper classes) are stored in a package. In contract based programming you depend on the contracts, not the implementations. Ergo, an OSGi bundle should depend on packages since they represent the contracts.

     Import-Package               <=> interface
     Import-Bundle/Require-Bundle <=> implementation class

    Import-Bundle is NOT OSGi, it is a proprietary Spring extension. It is a cleaner form for Require-Bundle; the uncleanliness was necessary to support some Eclipse use cases. The OSGi decided not to adopt this header since the Require-Bundle/Import-Bundle is fundamentally broken if you want to build systems from components.