I can't seem to get the indentation right in my fsunit tests. I keep getting told to use the ML-style "use let ... in", but doing that means the compiler has trouble reading the name of the next test. Any suggestions ?
module ``reading yaml files`` =
let yamlReader = new yamlReader()
let yamlConfig = yamlReader.read("./testFiles/config.yaml")
[<Test>] ``should parse root property of a yaml file`` ()=
yamlConfig.ContainsKey(new YamlScalar("token1")) |> should equal true
[<Test>] ``should parse nested propery of a yaml file`` ()=
let token1 = yamlConfig.[new YamlScalar("token1")] :?> YamlMapping
let env3 = token1.[new YamlScalar("env3")] :?> YamlScalar
env3.Value |> should equal "value3"
[<Test>] ``should convert yamldocument to digestable format`` ()=
let tokens = yamlReader.toTokens yamlConfig
let firstToken = (Seq.head tokens)
firstToken.name |> should equal "token2"
You are missing the let keyword. Try this:
module ``reading yaml files`` =
let yamlReader = new yamlReader()
let yamlConfig = yamlReader.read("./testFiles/config.yaml")
let ``should parse root property of a yaml file`` ()=
yamlConfig.ContainsKey(new YamlScalar("token1")) |> should equal true
let ``should parse nested propery of a yaml file`` ()=
let token1 = yamlConfig.[new YamlScalar("token1")] :?> YamlMapping
let env3 = token1.[new YamlScalar("env3")] :?> YamlScalar
env3.Value |> should equal "value3"
let ``should convert yamldocument to digestable format`` ()=
let tokens = yamlReader.toTokens yamlConfig
let firstToken = (Seq.head tokens)
firstToken.name |> should equal "token2"