Search code examples

Xcode : Search Bar Filtering

Hy all, i have developed an application that searches a table view connected to a sqlite database. A search Bar is added onto of the application and the search is working fine, but when i type, i need only the items STARTING by the letter typed appear. This is my code till now :

-(void)searchBar:(UISearchBar*)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString*)text
    if(text.length == 0)
        isFiltered = FALSE;
        isFiltered = true;
        filteredTableData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

        for (Author* author in theauthors)
        {  //[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELECT * from books where title LIKE %@", searchBar.text];
            NSRange nameRange = [ rangeOfString:text options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
            NSRange descriptionRange = [author.genre rangeOfString:text options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
            if(nameRange.location != NSNotFound || descriptionRange.location != NSNotFound)
                [filteredTableData addObject:author];

    [self.tableView reloadData];


  • It was actually pretty simple. I just had to change the options file from options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch to option:NSAnchoredSearch It worked like a charm