I wanna know how to sort arrays like this:
$array[] = Array (
'name' => '/home/gtsvetan/public_html/presta/cms.php'
'type' => 'text/x-php'
'size' => 1128
'lastmod' => 1339984800
$array[] = Array (
'name' => '/home/gtsvetan/public_html/presta/docs/'
'type' => 'dir'
'size' => 0
'lastmod' => 1329253246
I wanna to sort it first by type (folders first and then files) and then alphabetical. But I don't know how to sort it.
Best regards, George!
you can use usort()
In compare function you do two comparisions on name & type - something like below:
function compare_f($a,$b) {
if($a['type']=='dir'&&$b['type']!='dir') return 1;
if($a['type']!='dir'&&$b['type']=='dir') return -1;
if(substr($a['name'],-1,1)=='/') $a['name']=substr($a['name'],0,-1);
if(substr($b['name'],-1,1)=='/') $b['name']=substr($b['name'],0,-1);
return 1;
return -1;