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Android NFC Android Application Records Error

I am trying to add an application record using createApplicationRecord(packagename) as mentioned in the Android developer link to my NdefMessage and I see an error:

The method createApplicationRecord(String) is undefined for the type NdefRecord

I have updated my Android SDK Manager from Eclipse. Here is the part of code:

private NdefMessage getMessageAsNdef() {
    byte[] textBytes = mInfo.getBytes();
    NdefRecord textRecord = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_MIME_MEDIA,
            "text/plain".getBytes(), new byte[] {}, textBytes);
    return new NdefMessage(new NdefRecord[] { textRecord, NdefRecord.createApplicationRecord("com.nfcgeo.mypackage") });


  • Check if your project settings in Eclipse have set the Android "Project Build Target" to API level 14 or higher. NdefRecord.createApplicationRecord() is only available in Android 4.0 ICS and later.