I am trying to pass a type bound procedure as an argument to another subroutine. I want to know if this is possible in Fortran. Here is a code snippet that shows what I am trying to do .
module type_definitions
type test_type
integer :: i1, i2,i3
procedure :: add_integers_up
end type test_type
subroutine add_integers_up(this,i4,ans)
class(test_type) :: this
integer :: i4,ans
ans = this%i1+this%i2+this%i3+i4
end subroutine add_integers_up
subroutine print_result_of_subroutine(i4,random_subroutine)
integer :: i4,ans
subroutine random_subroutine(i1,i2)
integer:: i1,i2
end subroutine random_subroutine
end interface
call random_subroutine(i4,ans)
write(*,*) ans
end subroutine print_result_of_subroutine
end module type_definitions
program main
use type_definitions
implicit none
integer :: i1,i2,i3,i4
integer :: ans
type(test_type) :: test_obj
i1 =1; i2=2; i3=3
test_obj%i1 = i1
test_obj%i2 = i2
test_obj%i3 = i3
i4 = 4
call print_result_of_subroutine(i4,test_obj%add_integers_up)
end program main
Is this possible to do in Fortran? I get a compiler error when I try to compile this code using ifort.
test_obj%add_integers_up is not a procedure - it is a binding that happens to be to a procedure called add_integers_up. You cannot pass a binding as an actual argument.
If you want to pass the specific procedure that the binding is associated with, then pass the procedure! Hypothetically:
call print_result_of_subroutine(i4, add_integers_up)
But as other posters have noted, in your example code the interface of that procedure does not match the interface of the corresponding dummy argument in print_result_of_subroutine.
If test_obj%add_integers_up referred to an associated procedure pointer component (and the interface for that component matched what was being expected by the print_result_of_subroutine) then things would work as you appear to be expecting.
Note that Fortran 90 does not support type bound procedures (or procedure pointer components) - your code very much requires Fortran 2003.