I have an user control in our library that I need to inherit and make some update to it. The issue that I'm having right now is that I cannot instantiate the new user control directly. I have to call a method in the library that will create and pass an instance of the user control. Please check sample code below.
I tried to use casting and I got InvalidCastException. I think that's because the second requires more storage than the first.
Thanks in advance for helping on this.
Namespace ProjectA.Components
Public Class MainClass
Public Function CreateCustomControl() As CustomControl
Dim cc As CustomControl = Activator.CreateInstance(Of CustomControl)()
Return cc
End Function
End Class
Public Class CustomControl
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace ProjectB
Public Class ExtendedCustomControl
Inherits ProjectA.Components.CustomControl
End Class
Public Class MainForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Sub CreateInstance()
Dim i As New ProjectA.Components.MainClass
Dim myControl As ExtendedCustomControl = i.CreateCustomControl
' InvalidCastException is thrown.
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
It's because you aren't instantiating an ExtendedCustomControl, you are instantiating a CustomControl. Activator.CreateObject is just creating the base class. You can't upcast something unless it actually IS of the class you're casting to.
Maybe you want CreateCustomControl() to take a System.Type and then pass it into Activator.CreateInstance instead? That way you might be able to make what you want?