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Syntax highlighting on GitHub's Wiki: Specifying the programming language

GitHub uses something known as the "GitHub Flavored Markdown" for messages, issues and comments. My questions are:

  • Does GitHub also use this syntax for their Wiki?
  • From what I understand one can specify the programming language for syntax highlighting using the following syntax:

    require 'redcarpet'  
    markdown ="Hello World!")  
    puts markdown.to_html  

    Where one can specify the programming language after the ``` string (e.g. ```ruby)

    My question is: How do I look up the specifier for a programming language? (e.g. C does not seem to work for the C programming language)


  • For a list of the possible lexers that github wiki can use see here:

    If you find that a certain lexer is not supported, github recommends forking their code and submitting it via a pull request: