With this code:
for (int i = 0; i <= (checkedListBoxPlatypi.Items.Count - 1); i++)
if (checkedListBoxPlatypi.GetItemCheckState(i) == CheckState.Checked)
...and a CheckedListBox that does have text assigned to it via (FriendlyPlatypus is a string with content):
...ParsePlatypusID() is being passed "0"...???
I'm assuming you didn't add "i" to the listbox, so there wouldn't be any text for that object. You just need the object directly:
for (int i = 0; i <= (checkedListBoxPlatypi.Items.Count - 1); i++)
if (checkedListBoxPlatypi.GetItemCheckState(i) == CheckState.Checked)
If, in fact, you had added an object through a databinding, and you wanted to get directly to the "DisplayMember" field, you would use:
for (int i = 0; i <= (checkedListBoxPlatypi.Items.Count - 1); i++)
if (checkedListBoxPlatypi.GetItemCheckState(i) == CheckState.Checked)
ReturnListPlatypi.Add(ParsePlatypusID(checkedListBoxPlatypi.GetItemText( checkedListBoxPlatypi.Items[i])));