I have 4 apps. let's call them: App1, App2, App3 and App4.
for each of these apps I have an array: for example:
my @App1_links = (...some data...);
my @App2_links = (...some data...);
my @App3_links = (...some data...);
my @App4_links = (...some data...);
Now I have a loop in my code that goes thru these 4 apps and I intend to do something like this:
my $link_name = $app_name . "_links";
where $app_name will be App1, App2 etc...
and then use it as : @$link_name
Now this code does what I intend to do when I don't use: use strict
but not otherwise
The error is: Can't use string ("App1_links") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at code.pm line 123.
How can I achieve this functionality using use strict
Please help.
You are using $link_name
as a symbolic reference which is not allowed under use strict 'refs'
Try using a hash instead, e.g.
my %map = (
App1 => \@App1_links,
my $link_name = $map{$app_name};