First off forgive my English, I wanted to display report using report viewer 2010, binding data to report viewer & display report data it works great, but hiding duplicates data in the group is not working, & i did right click on text box & F4 set hide duplicates with group name.It'll only hides with continuously repeat row data
for example
Data in the column is
<br />Employee
<br />Employee
<br />Employee
<br />Employee
means it'll show only one time. if it is like
<br />Employee
<br />Department
<br />College
<br />Employee
<br />Department
<br />College
means it'll display same format as above.
& here also i need get unique data in the group.
Why am asking this means i can't apply distinct in query because it is Many to many relationship query, for that i need to get uniqueness in report only please help me thanks in advance.
I had to do this very thing recently. The rdlc has something called row groups. I believe this is what you are looking to do.