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Casting a generic type in c#

I have a structure like below. I have some trouble returning a generic collection. What am I missing ?

class Program
    static void Main()
          BusinessCollection businessCollection = new BusinessCollection();

          //Why this is not working because businesscollection is a GenericCollection<BusinessEntity>
          businessCollection = new GenericCollection<BusinessEntity>();

          //or neither this
         businessCollection = (BusinessCollection)new GenericCollection<BusinessEntity>();

public class BusinessEntity
   public string Foo { get; set;}

public class BusinessCollection : GenericCollection<BusinessEntity>
     //some implementation here

public class GenericCollection<T> : ICollection<T>
    //some implementation here


  • You can't do what you want to do. The other way around will work.

    All BusinessCollection are indeed GenericCollection<BusinessEntity> but you can't say for sure that all GenericCollection<BusinessEntity> are BusinessCollection's

    So the following will work.

    class Program
        static void Main()
              GenericCollection<BusinessEntity> businessCollection = new BusinessCollection();
              //this will work
              BusinessCollection tempCollection = (BusinessCollection)businessCollection ;
    public class BusinessEntity
       public string Foo { get; set;}
    public class BusinessCollection : GenericCollection<BusinessEntity>
         //some implementation here
    public class GenericCollection<T> : ICollection<T>
        //some implementation here