I've got a statusstrip with a number of items. One of them is a ToolStripStatusLabel
with Spring = True
When the text of the label is too long, one can't see it.
Is it possible to make the statusstrip become higher and show whole text in multiline?
This is an interesting problem....I tried a couple of things but no success...basicall the ToolStripStatusLabel is very limited in capability.
I ended up trying a hack that gives the result you want but am not sure even I would recommend this unless of course this is absolutely necessary...
Here's what I have got...
In the properties of your StatusStrip set AutoSize = false, this is to allow the StatusStrip to be resized to accommodate multiple lines. I am assuming statusStrip called ststusStrip1 containing label called toolStripStatusLabel1.
At form Level declare a variable of TextBox type:
TextBox txtDummy = new TextBox();
At Form Load set some of its properties:
txtDummy.Multiline = true;
txtDummy.WordWrap = true;
txtDummy.Font = toolStripStatusLabel1.Font;//Same font as Label
Handle the paint event of the toolStripStatusLabel1
private void toolStripStatusLabel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
String textToPaint = toolStripStatusLabel1.Tag.ToString(); //We take the string to print from Tag
SizeF stringSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(textToPaint, toolStripStatusLabel1.Font);
if (stringSize.Width > toolStripStatusLabel1.Width)//If the size is large we need to find out how many lines it will take
//We use a textBox to find out the number of lines this text should be broken into
txtDummy.Width = toolStripStatusLabel1.Width - 10;
txtDummy.Text = textToPaint;
int linesRequired = txtDummy.GetLineFromCharIndex(textToPaint.Length - 1) + 1;
statusStrip1.Height =((int)stringSize.Height * linesRequired) + 5;
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "";
e.Graphics.DrawString(textToPaint, toolStripStatusLabel1.Font, new SolidBrush( toolStripStatusLabel1.ForeColor), new RectangleF( new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(toolStripStatusLabel1.Width, toolStripStatusLabel1.Height)));
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = textToPaint;
IMP: Do not assign the text property of your label instead put it in Tag we would use it from Tag
toolStripStatusLabel1.Tag = "My very long String";