I have a Tab-delimited flat file which i need to pull data from and update a table in my MS-SQL database.
Does anyone have any details on how i would go about doing this? Maybe a site or a tutorial somewhere?
Thanks in advance.
Update: Basically Amazon returns a Tab-delimited flat file, which i need to pull data from, then use that data to update my database. I already know how to export data from a MS SQL database :)
I managed to work out what was needed, using the code below. Added as a reference incase someone needs something similar.
//start with the second row
string[] rowRow = row.Split('\t');
string sku = rowRow[0].Trim();
string qty = rowRow[1].Trim();
decimal price = Convert.ToDecimal(rowRow[2].Trim());
string asin = rowRow[3].Trim();
int pcType = dc.productCodeTypes.Where(c => c.length == asin.Length).FirstOrDefault().id;
//Save to DB
abcProduct aUpdate = dc.abcProducts.Single(p => p.sku == sku);
if (aUpdate.asin == asin) { }
else { aUpdate.asin = asin; }
if (aUpdate.codeType == pcType) { }
else { aUpdate.codeType = pcType; }
if (aUpdate.amzPrice == price) { }
else { aUpdate.amzPrice = price; }