I already know I can stream a video file via FFMPEG to my wowza server but what I need to be able to do is stream live video (For example from the built in webcam or other attached cameras) to the server.
One method I considered was saving the video to short ~10sec files and then using FFMPEG to stream those up to the wowza server but I face 2 issues with that. First, how can I insure there will be no breaks in the feed when I switch to the next video clip to stream. Two, how do I set it up to record in 10 second chunks without missing anything in between.
If you are looking for commercial solutions you might try: http://www.adobe.com/de/products/flash-media-encoder.html
If you're looking to code something on your own you should search for "RTMP Client library", you can find (semi) commercial ones: http://www.smaxe.com/juvclient.jsf or fully free ones like the RTMPClient.java. There are also implementations of audio codecs that can be found in the Net. However I don't know any video captcha code that is Open for OSX. You would need to code something here on your own.