I have XAMPP installed on Windows 7. I need to stop and start Apache many times every day.
Currently, I do this by opening up the Xampp control panel, clicking 'Stop' (next to 'Apache'), waiting for it to stop, then clicking 'Start'.
Ideally I would like to be able to do this more quickly - something like right click the Xampp icon, and choosing 'Restart Apache'. Or, even better, just a shortcut key that restarts Apache.
I know that there are two bat files with Xampp - apache_stop.bat and apache_start.bat. I've tried utilising these to get want I want. However, when you run apache_start.bat, you get a cmd window that you can't get rid of. I couldn't find a way to start Apache silently in this way.
So, basically I want to be able to quickly restart Apache (one click/shortcut key), completely silently.
Thanks in advance.
Copy apache_start.bat
and rename it to apache_restart.bat
Change the line apache\bin\httpd.exe
to apache\bin\httpd.exe -k restart
Voila, there you go with your restart script. and you can also give it a shortcut.