I have a objc method like this;
@ implementation of Class1
- (void)execute:(void (^)(Class2* target, NSUInteger idx))block
I want to use this execute method in python, i have build a python objective-c bridge data and it seems to be generated correctly as:
<class name='Class1'>
<method selector='execute:'>
<arg function_pointer='true' type='@?' index='0'>
<arg type='@'/>
<arg type='I' type64='Q'/>
<retval type='v'/>
But when i define a function like this:
def myFunc (dev, index):
// do something with dev
and try to use this as block
Python throw an errors as:
objc.BadPrototypeError: Objective-C expects 1 arguments, Python argument has 2 arguments for <unbound selector myFunc at 0x105b3a3f0>
I also tried with lambda function, no use.
I also tried to create a callable class as:
>>> class myCallable(object):
... def __init__(self,name):
... print "Init"
... def __repr__(self):
... return "string init"
... def __call__(self, dev, index):
... # do something with dev
... print("hello")
but python throw an error like this:
TypeError: Sorry, cannot create IMP for instances of type myCallable
I am wondering where did I do wrong here?
Thanks for Josh's suggestion.
Finally got this problem solved. It looks like the meta_data generated by the system using command line gen_bridge_metadata somehow wasn't read correctly. It was generated as:
<method selector='execute:'>
<arg index='0' type='@?' function_pointer='true'>
<arg type='@'/>
<arg type64='Q' type='I'/>
<retval type='v'/>
But after I change the function_pointer to block, it works. I got this by reading through pyobjc unit test for blocks.
<method selector='execute:'>
<arg index='0' type='@?' block='true'>
<arg type='@'/>
<arg type64='Q' type='I'/>
<retval type='v'/>
I am not sure what causes this though. the Apple Doc says if type="@?" and function_pointer='true', it's regarded as block. if type = "#?" and function_pointer="true", it will interpreted as function_pointer. but why pyobjc can't recognize this? is this a bug in pyobjc?