Having a problem with SharpSVN (1.5 and 1.6) checking out code. (Note, I also have Tortoise 1.5 installed on my machine)
This same code has worked previously, so I don't know why things might have broken.
using (SvnClient client = new SvnClient())
SvnUriTarget url = new SvnUriTarget(checkoutURL.ToString());
client.Authentication.DefaultCredentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, password);
return client.CheckOut(url, destinationPath, out result); //error happens here
This code pulls Down a copy from SVN. It creates a copy into a directory named Sandbox.
Nothing has changed (except my own System configuration, I'll get to that in a minute), however, now I get the error:
Can't open file '..\..\..\TestHarness\Sandbox\testBuild\Trunk\TestProjects\XX\Source\XX.TestHarness\Tests\Service\_svn\tmp\text-base\IViewProject_Tester.cs.svn-base':
The system cannot find the path specified.
Now this is crazy. This has pulled down fine before. For it to tell me to run "Cleanup" insinuates that there was a working copy there previously!
Also, you can also see that SharpSVN thinks that the .cs file is inside the _svn directory!
About my setup.. my system has Tortoise 1.5 on it (after downgrading from Tortoise 1.6 to see if I could fix this problem.. no go..
since I am a .net developer, I did set up Tortoise to use _svn folders
Any clues? Even questions are welcome..
Apparently this is an unresolvable bug that is tied to the max length for relative file paths in Windows.
Bert Huijben answers the issue pretty well here.
Solution: Ditch the relative path and Use a Fully Qualified path