I have column in a table with values stored as
HX CAP SCR GD5 1/2-13 X 3 3/4
HX CAP SCR GD8 1/2-13 X 4 1/4
HX CAP SCR Grade 5 1/2-13 X 5 1/2
HX CAP SCR Grade 8 1/2-13 X 6 1/2
Now, I need to store these values to another table like
HX CAP SCR GD5 1/2-13 X 3 3/4
HX CAP SCR GD8 1/2-13 X 4 1/4
HX CAP SCR Grade 5 1/2-13 X 5 1/2
HX CAP SCR Grade 8 1/2-13 X 6 1/2
I need to separate the Category from the Size values.
This is what I have so far, but it is not working the GD5 and GR8 are part of the category column.
,'??????' as Category
,SUBSTRING(CustDesc,PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', CustDesc),8000) as Size
FROM [##CustParts]
Result from above query
CustDesc Category Size
HX CAP SCR GD5 1/2-13 X 3 ?????? 5 1/2-13 X 3
Plz let me know what is the query to do this....
You need to make up a rule that seems reasonable. For example, it looks like the size starts right after the first space before " X". We can get this use the (primitive) string functions in SQL Server:
select ltrim(rtrim(left(val, pos1 - spacebefore))) as product,
substring(val, pos1 - spacebefore + 1, 1000) as size
from (select t.*, charindex(' ', reverse(left(val, pos1-1))) as spacebefore
from (select t.*,
charindex(' X ', val) as pos1
from (select 'abce 15/3 x 2' as val) t
) t
) t